
Showing posts from March, 2020

Day 10: Bernie Victory Rally!!

Day 4: Student Climate Forum with Klobuchar, Yang, and Steyer

Day 4: Capitol Building Part 2 - Executive Council Meeting and Lunch at the State House

Day 5: Phone Banking

Day 10: Bernie Rally with The Strokes and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

Day 9: Last Time Canvassing with Zay!

Day 10: Breakfast with Bernie!

Day 6: Freezing Rain and an attempt at Canvassing

Day 6: Debate Visibility and Watch Party

Day 7: The 100 Club Dinner

Day 5: St. Anselm Institute of Politics

Day 4: NH DNC

Day 3: NH GOP Meeting

Day 3: Bernie Rally in Milford, NH

Day 3: New Hampshire State Capital

Day 3 Agenda: NH State Capital, NH GOP Meeting, back to Bernie Campaign, and Bernie Rally

Day 3: The Curious Case of Iowa and the App

Day 2: Tacos and Iowa Caucus First Results