Day 6: Debate Visibility and Watch Party

Goffstown, NH

     We made it back to St. Anselm College where the debate is being held tonight. We are going to be participating in what is called 'debate visibility'. This is where we all stay outside in front of the college chanting and holding signs for our candidate. When we pulled up we couldn't find the Bernie spot. It turns out they were running a bit behind. There were many people out with green Amy signs, blue Pete signs, blue Yang signs, and a couple blue Biden Signs. I wonder if the color blue has been focus-group tested. Vermin Supreme was out with his boot hat and a couple followers. But Bernie had no visibility out yet. We joked that our campaign cares more about investing it's time and money in an actual ground-game than the sign budget! Canvassing was still in full force even when the debate was airing!

     The U-haul full of signs and a couple leaders eventually arrived. Our signs were the best because they were lighted! We shouted "It's cold but we're feelin' the Bern!" and other chants at the tops of our lungs. I couple of us got interviewed from local tv. Did I mention it was like 7 degrees out? It was. My gloves were soaked from our earlier attempt at freezing-rain canvassing, so I could not use them. In pictures, I look like a black blob. I had my scarf wrapped around my head so that only my eyes were peaking out and my hat on. It was challenging to say the least. But we did it for the cause!

     Later, while finally getting some warmth back in the van with Tom, we received a message from the campaign saying "Those Floridians are American Heroes!". We felt amazing!

     Next, we stopped by a Debate Watch Party in Manchester being held by the campaign. Michael Moore spoke. Nina Turner was there doing some press interviews and I got to say hi to her. Me and a couple others wanted to stay but we were outvoted. So, we left and went to Taco Bell.


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